Mammoth Coffee Company

Alto Inambari (Peru)


Mango, Cherry, Cinnamon Roll & Honey

Origin Peru
Region Alto Inambari, Puno
Producer Smallholder Farmers
Variety Caturra, Bourbon, Typica & Catimor
Elevation 1,700-2,100 masl
Processing Washed


Alto Inambari is a notable subregion within Puno’s Sandia Valley, and is home to some of the most distinct and coveted coffees in the world. Puno is characterized by its varied landscapes, ranging from deep, hot jungle to the highest, iciest mountains of the Andes. It's also the fifth highest city in the world at almost 4,000 meters above sea level. The Andes offer a unique diversity of fertile soil even at very low temperatures, with a high variety of minerals.

With a tropical climate (ideal temperatures for coffee at altitudes of 1,600+ masl), Sandia houses a diversity of superb coffee subregions that make this region so notable. The main district of Sandia is Alto Inambari. Its name comes from the fact that it is the highest part through which the Inambari river passes, where elevations can reach almost 3,000 meters above sea level.

Alto Inambari is highlighted by a sweet stone fruit flavor similar to ripe mango or baked peach, a subtle pop of acidity reminiscent of tart cherries or grapefruit, and warm and inviting flavors of cinnamon pastry and honey. This coffee is sure to please specialty coffee enthusiasts and no-fuss daily drinkers alike. 

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