Mammoth Coffee Company

San Vicente Yogondoy (Mexico)


 Chocolate Fudge, Fresh Fig, & Black Tea

Origin Mexico
Region Oaxaca
Producer Smallholder Farmers
Variety Pluma
Elevation 1,500-1,700 masl
Processing Washed


San Vicente Yogondoy is an exceptionally sweet and clean coffee from Oaxaca, Mexico. This is our first offering from Mexico and a perfect reflection of what we like about coffees from this region. It features notes of chocolate fudge and fresh figs with an elegant hint of black tea. 

San Vicente Yogondoy is a lush, densely forested, isolated, and remote community nearby San Agustin Loxicha in the Sierra Sur region of Oaxaca. The steep slopes where coffee is growing under a dense native shade canopy face the Pacific ocean to the south and receive very distinct rainy and dry seasons with cooling breezes off of the Pacific.

The Garcia Luna family has organized with extended family members to deliver impeccably clean parchment. Each producer’s harvest is cupped individually, then blended or separated according to quality. Productivity within the group is relatively high and each farmer has on average 5 hectares, making production of high-quality coffee a more profitable proposition. 

The indigenous Zapotec community still maintains their language and describe the area as the Rio de Abejas (Bees’ River), the translation for Yogondoy in Zapotec. Tellingly, many of the coffee farmers also maintain beehives and produce honey. 

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